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Back to Blog 05.06.24

Credentialing Math Literacy Workers of the Young People’s Project

by Paola Zarate

At the 1EdTech Consortium Digital Credentials Summit, Territorium’s VP of Education Solutions, Dr. Keith Look, moderated this session featuring The Young People’s Project’s Executive Director, Maisha Moses, and Director of STEM programs, Clifford Freeman.

They discussed how YPP trains, employs and supports 1,000 high school students to become Math Literacy Workers (MLWs). This featured session included how, with coaching from teachers, MLWs learn to plan, debrief, and improve lessons and deploy effective classroom management – all transferable skills to arenas beyond education.

The Young People’s Project was founded in 1996 by eight 8th-grade students from Brinkley Middle School in Jackson, Mississippi. These MLWs begin their journey by teaching math to elementary students in their neighborhoods and eventually become engaged citizens prepared to make a difference in their own lives, in the lives of others in their communities, and ultimately in this country.

YPP envisions a day when every young person—regardless of ethnicity, gender, or class—has access to a high-quality education and the skills, attributes, and community support s/he needs to successfully meet their generation’s challenges.

YPP uses Math Literacy Work to develop the abilities of elementary through high school students to succeed in school and in life. In doing so, it involves them in efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles to their success.

Learn more about their mission at