Real Opportunity That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

The LifeJourney app leverages machine learning technology that makes the workforce more accessible to all, connecting users to job opportunities aligned to a learner’s skills and competencies.
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The LifeJourney App Closes Talent Gaps and Accelerates Job Searches

The LifeJourney app uses verified skills, experiences, competencies and credentials for best-fit jobs matching.

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Real-time labor market intelligence (LMI) data
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Continuously updated job boards and real jobs
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Salary ranges and skill requirements aligned to personalized career pathways

Navigate the transition from education to work

The LifeJourney app helps learners seeking job opportunities smoothly navigate the transition from education to work and career by effectively connecting college and university learning outcomes to job market requirements. The LifeJourney app shows job seekers how their skills and competencies align with what employers require for each job opportunity and recommends pathways and learning experiences to achieve their career goals.

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The LifeJourney App

We’ve partnered with the best in the business to bring you the most up to date and accurate job and salary data. You can find us and download the LifeJourney app on the App Store and Google Play.