
Back to Webcasts 01.07.25

How Higher Ed Can Prove Its Worth in a Skills-Based Economy – Webcast

by Paola Zarate

Higher education faces increasing skepticism as learners and employers question its value in a skills-driven world. Declining enrollment, low retention, and a disconnect between education and career outcomes are critical challenges.

In this fireside chat, learn how Territorium’s AI-powered tools, including the LifeJourney app, Comprehensive Learner Record, and Digital Credential Wallet, address these issues. Explore how skills-based solutions help re-enroll SCND learners, improve retention, and create clear pathways from classroom to career, proving the lasting impact of higher education.

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  • Eric Stoller, Vice President of Marketing, Territorium
  • Rob Curtin, Director, Data & AI – Edtech Ecosystem, Microsoft