Demonstrate and Measure Critical Skills

HEIghten modular assessments measure key skills, including Civic Competency & Engagement, Critical Thinking, Intercultural Competency, Quantitative Literacy, and Written Communication
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Benchmark Skills Improvement Over Time

The HEIghten Outcomes Assessment suite measures core skills identified as critical in most educational standards towards career success. These are important to faculty, accrediting bodies, policymakers, students, and employers.

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5 Core Assessment Modules

Measure student learning outcomes with modular, digital assessments

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Evidence-Based Outcomes

Demonstrate solid evidence of your students’ skill levels in critical general education areas

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Flexible, Customizable Assessments

Choose any or all of the five assessment modules 
to best meet your institution’s educational model 
and goals


Acknowledge proficiency and give learners a way to share their accomplishments online in a simple, trusted, and easily verified format. HEIghten badges can be issued for each module as either Advanced or Proficient.

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Prepare Higher Ed Students for the Demanding Global Workforce

The HEIghten Outcomes Assessment suite offers five modules for students to reinforce and demonstrate their skills levels in key areas, supporting their academic and career success.

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Critical Thinking

Assessing analytic and synthetic skills for personal effectiveness

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Quantitative Literacy

Evaluating problem-solving, reasoning, and real-world application techniques

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Intercultural Competency

Approaching, analyzing and acting in intercultural situations

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Written Communication

Measuring social, conceptual, language, and writing dimensions

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Civic Competency & Engagement

Focusing on civic attitudes, and participation in society

Expand Your Organization’s Assessment Capabilities with HEIghten
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