Our latest insights on education, assessments, and employability.
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Territorium and HACU launch Avanza initiative to transform student career success in a skills-oriented economy

Territorium Partners with The University of Texas System to Launch AI-Powered Credential Wallet for Microcredentials

Territorium’s Innovative Stackable Achievements: Transforming Educational Credentials

The Rising Value of Badges and Microcredentials in Education and Employment

Territorium Joins Velocity Network Foundation

Territorium’s LifeJourney app Earns LER Inclusive Design Certification from Digital Promise

From CLR to LER: Making Badges & Credentials Actionable

CLRs and Digital Wallets: Revolutionizing Skill Verification

We won!

Spotlight on STARS – Skilled Through Alternative Routes

JFF Horizons – If you can dream it! You can do it!